Broken Hill, NSW

The Living Desert Sculpture Park

The Living Desert Sculpture Park is Broken Hill City Council’s contribution to the environment, for the protection of native flora and fauna and for the better management of our ecosystem and sustainability. It is also a place that offers some truly spectacular views of the surrounding area and magnificent sunsets.

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The Living Desert Sculpture Park

Depending on the time of day you get to The Living Desert Sculpture Park, the colours will be different. Obviously sunset is the best time, and in the hour leading up to the sunset, it is just a continual colour show with the sandstone sculptures going from a pale stone colour, to the rich golden stone you see here.

Every day, the sunset will provide a different story, and if you are lucky enough to be there after a rain shower, you may just see an amazing rainbow in the sky too. We actually had two rainbows in the sky on one day here.

Even if you are not a photographer, this is an amazing place to simple sit and take in the amazing sunsets it provides. Take some wine and cheese (as many people do) and just sit back and enjoy!

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The Living Desert Sculpture Park

The Living Desert Sculpture Park is Broken Hill City Council’s contribution to the environment, for the protection of native flora and fauna

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