National Botanic Gardens, ACT

Australian Flowers

The National Botanic Gardens in Canberra is one of my favourite places to photograph. It offers a wealth of flowers, birds and lizards to keep you snapping all day. The images here were shot across two separate visits using the brilliant Sony 90mm Macro Lens.

Photographed using

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Middle Head Lizard

On yet another walk around the Middle Head area just past Mosman in Sydney, I was hoping  to be able to capture

Lizards Of Australia 2

The Australian National Botanic Gardens in ACT, offers a great opportunity to get up close with some of Australia’s Lizards, hundreds of

Eastern Great Egret

The Eastern Great Egret, also known as the Eastern white heron, is a majestic bird native to the eastern regions of Asia,

Jacaranda Trees

Each year at the start of summer here in Sydney, and in particular on the Lower North Shore of Sydney, suburbs turn

Gerbera Macro

After watching a number of very talented macro photographers do their thing on YouTube, I thought I would give it a go.

Mother Feeding Child

In an effort to test out my new Tamron lenses, and irrespective of the fact it was raining and very windy, I

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