Narooma, New South Wales

Australian Lorikeet

The Australia Lorikeets are in great abundance on the east coast, even in the big cities and towns. They are cheeky as hell and always after a great feed. This little guy was visiting us every day of our south coast holiday, which gave me a great opportunity to take some pics as he was being hand fed by my wife.

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Cunnamulla Galahs

On a very long road trip from Sydney to the other side of Australia, Broome in Western Australia, I stopped at Cunnamulla

White-Bellied Sea Eagle

I hired a boat on Lake Argyle in Western Australia recently, and along with the many fresh water crocodiles along the shores,

Gerbera Macro

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Blue & Yellow Macaw

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Comb-Crested Jacana

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On a visit to Taronga Zoo here in Sydney, right at the entrance was this magnificent peacock with his massive tail feathers

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